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January 17, 2022

Q4 2021 Product Release Notes

Will Huang
Product Lead
at Rutter
Contact Sales

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Welcome to Rutter’s first product release notes. From now we will be announcing new product features, rollouts and beta releases on a monthly basis. The team has made several significant updates over the past year, below is a quick recap:

Payment processor integration

Beyond our core e-commerce integration, Rutter also released payment processor integration with Stripe, PayPal, and Square, Shopify, and many more to come. You can use our GET /transactions, GET /payouts, and GET /balance API to obtain a quick understanding of financial health of a business.

Increase GET /transactions limit to 500 and allow ascending sorting

Our default limit for transactions was originally 50. It’s now increased to 500 to allow you to retrieve more data in each API request. We also allow sorting by ascending order based on created_at such that you can see the earliest transaction timestamp. This can help you start parallel downloading all the data by paginating from the first transaction date to the current one.

Disable webhook for URLs not producing valid response

If the webhook URL you input in Rutter dashboard is not valid, we will notify you over email after certain amount of webhook attempts that fail to receive a 200 response.

Prestashop required scopes specification on Rutter Link

During authentication to Prestashop, merchants will see a full list of scopes required to enable before they can connect with Rutter and we will enforce this. Currently, the list of scopes are the default scopes we set up and you can customize them as well by contacting us.

Get business name and email address when hitting Store endpoint, if available

If the platform provides the store name and merchant’s email address, we will also return them when you use our GET /store endpoint such that you can use as an additional verification during KYB process.

Next step

If you have any questions or feedback about any of these updates, or if you’re interested in trying Rutter product, would love to get in touch. You can contact us here.

We are also continuing to hire engineers who are interested in building the infrastructure for world e-commerce data. You can find out more about the opportunities in our careers page.

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